3 Reasons Why Sex Can Wait: Part 1
“How you doin’?” Did you use the right voice? Do you know who made this line famous? That’s right! Sitcom character Joey Tribbiani from the 90s hit Friends. Innocent, loveable,
“How you doin’?” Did you use the right voice? Do you know who made this line famous? That’s right! Sitcom character Joey Tribbiani from the 90s hit Friends. Innocent, loveable,
“Is it normal to want to hurt yourself after a breakup?” an anonymous question read. You can imagine how taken aback CPR instructor Mrs. Green* was when she read that
“It’s not WHAT you’re saying that makes people defensive, but WHY they think you’re saying it.”-Joseph Grenny (Yes, even your teen!) Are there moments in life that matter more than
Here’s a huge thanks to Tim Wesco from CPR! We at Creating Positive Relationships wanted to take a moment to explain some changes that will impact parents and guardians of
A true story of CPR’s impact beyond the classroom. “How many of you are in a serious dating relationship? If so, how long have you been dating?” CPR instructor Mrs.
“There’s nowhere else to learn about sex. And porn stars know what they’re doing.”–Teenage boy cited in a New York Times article “What Teenagers are Learning from Online Porn.” DID
Maybe it’s in the car. Maybe it’s when you’re cooking dinner. Maybe it’s at night before they go to bed. Whatever it may be, picking the right moment to talk
Society loves sex. Our society endorses so much sex through songs like “Strip That Down” by Liam Payne and “No Limit” by Cardi B, shows like Game of Thrones and Orange is the New Black,
The Golden Globes happened this week. If you’re like me, you enjoy watching all the stars walk the red carpet and admiring the beautiful gowns, listening to the reporters ask
I often say that technology is a great thing, except for when it isn’t. With an endless amount of information available to us within seconds, we know more than we
Do you ever feel like striving to connect with your teen is useless? Do you ever wonder if it’d force your child to be more independent if you simply took
CPR’s New Digs The boxes are finally unpacked and we’re starting to feel settled. The move to our new office space has been, to say the least, timely. The smaller
Make a difference in the lives of young people in equipping them to have healthy relationships.
Creating Positive Relationships is a 501(c)(3) organization equipping young people to make healthy life choices through abstinence-centered education.
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