Westfield HS

Westfield High School 18250 North Union Street, Westfiled, IN, United States

Contact-140 4 Day Program Period Times Room School Teacher Grade CPR Instructor  1  7:58-9:08  1613  Alberts  HS  131  2  9:14-10:24  1613  Alberts HS  131  2  9:14-10:24  1409 HS  118 3 10:30-11:42 1613 Alberts HS  131 3 10:30-11:42 1409 HS  118 4 11:48-1:33 1613 Alberts HS  131 5 1:39-2:49 1613 Alberts HS  131  

Sheridan High School

Sheridan High School 24185 Hinesley Road, Sheridan, IN, United States

Teacher- 118 4th period 10:51-11:41 7th period 2:05-2:55

Zionsville Middle School

Zionsville Middle School 900 North Ford Road, Zionsville, IN, United States

  Period Times Room School Teacher Grade CPR Instructor  1  8:45-9:31  714  Hammond  8  101  1  8:45-9;31  715  Treadway  6  135  2  9:36-10:22  714  Hammond  8  101 2 9:36-10:22 715 Treadway 8 135 3 10:27-11:13 714 Hammond 8 101 3 10:27-11;13 715 Treadway 8 135 5 1:13-1:59 714 Hammond 8 101 6 2:04-2:50 714 Hammond […]

Zionsville West Middle School

Zionsville West Middle School 5565 South 700 East, Whitestown, IN, United States

  Period Times Room School Teacher Grade CPR Instructor  1  9:15-10:00  Simmons  7  118 3 10:55-11:40 Simmons 7 118 4 12:35-1:15 Simmons 8 118 5 1:20-2:05 Simmons 7 118 6 2:10-2:55 Simmons 7 118 7 3:00-3:45 Simmons 7 118  

Zionsville West Middle School

Zionsville West Middle School 5565 South 700 East, Whitestown, IN, United States

  Period Times Room School Teacher Grade CPR Instructor  1  9:15-10:00  Smart  6  101 2 10:05-10:50 Smart/Nowakowski 7  101/135 4 12:30-1:15 Smart 6  101 5 1:20-2:05 Smart 8  101 5 1:20-2:05 Cummings 6  135 6 2:10-2:55 Smart 6  101 7 3:00-3:45 Smart 6  101  

Brownsburg High School

Brownsburg High School 1000 South Odell, Brownsburg, IN, United States

Teachers 118 Oct. 2-6 Mr. Foley Periods 1,2,4,5,6,7 Oct. 9-13 Mr. O'Neil Periods 1,3,4,6,7 Period 1     7:50-8:40 Period 2    8:46-9:35 Period 3    9:41-10:30 Period 4    10:36-11:25 Period 5    11:31-12:58 (Foley is class/lunch/class) Period 6    1:04-1:54 Period 7    2:00-2:50 Wednesdays are only 44 minute classes

Westfield High School

Westfield High School 18250 North Union Street, Westfiled, IN, United States

Mr. Alberts/Teacher 113 Room 1613 Period 1: 7:58-9:08 Period 4: 11:48-1:33

Zionsville Middle School

Zionsville Middle School 900 North Ford Road, Zionsville, IN, United States

Mrs. Heygood/ Teacher 101 Room 711 Period 5: 1:13-1:59          grade 6 Period 6: 2:04-2:50       grade 6 Period 7: 2:55-3:45        grade 6 Mr. Maguire/ Teacher 135 Room 713 Period 1: 8:45-9:31          grade 6 Period 5: 1:13-1:59          grade 6

Noblesville West Middle School

Noblesville West Middle School 19900 Hague Road, Noblesville, IN, United States

Teacher 118 October 30-November 3-Kayla and Ray November 6-10 -Aimee and Brad November 13-17- Tara and Rich 1st period            7:35-8:20    8th grade 2nd period          8:24-9:09    8th grade Prep                      9:10-9:47 3rd period       […]

Zionsville West Middle 5th Grade

Zionsville Middle School 900 North Ford Road, Zionsville, IN, United States

Teachers 101 (girls) and 140 (boys) Classroom teacher-Nowakowski Grade 5-One Day Only Period 1       9:15-10:00 Period 3      11:40-12:25 Period 4      12:30-1:15 Period 6      2:10-2:55 Period 7      3:00-3:45

Sheridan 5th grade

Sheridan Elementary 24795 North Hinesley Road, Sheridan, IN, United States

Teacher 118 Girls 9-10 Mrs. Lechner's room Boys 10-11 Mrs. Norris' room

Zionsville Middle 5th Grade

Zionsville Middle School 900 North Ford Road, Zionsville, IN, United States

Teacher 140 (boys) and 101 (girls) 8:45-9:31         Young/Hedlund 9:36-10:22       Ertel/Oxley 10:27-11:13     Hoem/Moon 1:13-1:59         Oxley/Moon 2:04-2:50         Young/Hoem 2:55-3:45         Ertel

Noblesville East Middle School

Noblesville East Middle School 1625 Field Drive, Noblesville, IN, United States

Both teachers teach every class period. Period Times Grade  1  7:35-8:15  8  2  8:20-9:00  8  3  9:50-10:30  7 4 10:35-11:20 7 5 12:30-1:10 6 6 1:15-1:55 6 Nov. 27-Dec. 1 Kwiatkowski (room 1421)-135 Leach-101 (LGI) Dec. 4-8 Woodward-101 periods 1-4, (102 co teach) periods 5-6(Room 1421) Sullivan-135 (LGI)

Zionsville High School

Zionsville High School 1000 Mulberry Street, Zionsville, IN, United States

Teacher 118     Mrs. Emkow      room 91 2nd period      9:27-10;20 6th period       1:53-2:43 7th period       2:50-3:40

Lebanon High School and Special Needs

Lebanon High School 510 Essex Drive, Lebanon, IN, United States

Black 1 special needs 7:55-9:17     (H011/O'Brien)-113 Blck 2 Health class     9:22-10:44 (C035)-113 Gold 3 Health class     11:18-1:15   (C035)-123 Gold 4 health Class     1:20-2:45   (C035)-123 Black Days are Dec. 11, 13, 15th Gold days are Dec. 12, 14, 18th

Zionsville West Middle School 5565 South 700 East, Whitestown, IN, United States

Period Times Room School Teacher Grade CPR Instructor  1  9:15--10:00  Mrs.Nowakowski  5  2  10:05--10:50   Mrs. Cummings  5  3  10:55--11:15  Mrs.Nowakowski  5 4 12:30--1:15 Mrs.Nowakowski 5 7 3:00--3:45 Mrs.Nowakowski 5

Sheridan Middle school

Sheridan MS 24185 Hinesley Road, Sheridan, IN, United States

Teacher (Meg) Mrs. Gentry   Monday /Wednesday-Friday (Tuesday) Period Times Room School Teacher Grade CPR Instructor  1  8:00-8:56 (8:00-8:55)  204  Mrs. Gentry  8th  Meg  2  9:01-9:51 (9:25-10:10)  204  Mrs. Gentry  8th  Meg  3  9:56-10:46 (10:15-11:00) 204 Mrs. Gentry 8th Meg 4 11:21-12:11 (11:35-12:25) 204 Mrs. Gentry 7th Meg 5 12:16-1:05 (12:30-1:15) 204 Mrs. Gentry 7th […]

Sheridan Middle School

Sheridan MS 24185 Hinesley Road, Sheridan, IN, United States

(Verified) Monday/Wednesday--Friday (Tuesday) Period Times Room School Teacher Grade CPR Instructor  1  8:00-8:56(8:00-8:56)  204  Mr. Prange  6th  Meg  2  9:01-9:51 (9:25-10:10)  204  Mr. Prange  6th  Meg  3  9:56-10:46 (10:15-11:00)  207  Mr. Guenther  6th  Meg

Zionsville Middle School

Zionsville Middle School 900 North Ford Road, Zionsville, IN, United States

Mr. Hammond/Teacher Room 714 Instructor-Leah Period 1: 8:45-9:31         grade 7 Period 2: 9:36-10:22      grade 7 Period 3: 10:27-11:13      grade 7 Period 5: 1:13-1:59          grade 7 Period 6: 2:04-2:50        grade 7 Period 7: 2:55-3:45         grade 7 Mr. […]

Westfield FAP Students

(Verified)  Meg Pickett Modified CPR for FAP Students Westfield High (10:00-11:00) Westfield Middle School (11:45-12:45) Westfield Intermediate School (1:30-2:30)

Traders point High school and 5-6th Grade

Traders Point Christian Academy 5608 Whitestown Pkwy, Whitestown, IN, United States

(Verified) Meg Pickett 5th Grade Girls: Wednesday 2:48--3:38 5th Grade Boys: Thursday 2:48-3:38 6th grade 1st Period 8:10-9:00 4th period 10:49-11:41 High School 12:30--1:20 Mr. Peter Lucht High School 1:20--2:13 Mr. Lucht

Westfield High School

Westfield High School 18250 North Union Street, Westfiled, IN, United States

(Verified) Mr. Alberts/Teacher Room 1613 Mr. Sumpter/Teacher Period 1: 7:58-9:08 (Sumpter)- Alisa period 1: 7:58-9:08 (Alberts) Meg Period 2: 9:14-10:24 (Alberts) Meg Period 3: 10:30-11:42 (Alberts) Meg Period 4: 11:48-1:33 (Alberts) Meg

Zionsville Middle

Zionsville Middle School 900 North Ford Road, Zionsville, IN, United States

(Verified) Sharon Mrs. Heygood Room 711 Period 5: 1:13-1:59     Monday  grade 6 (Sharon boys Leah girls). Remainder of week Sharon) Period 7: 2:55-3:45         grade 8 Sharon all week   Mr. Maguire Room 713 Karyn Period 1: 8:45-9:31          grade 6-Karyn All Week Leah Period 5: 1:13-1:59   […]

Lebanon 5th grade

Lebanon 5th grade Content   Verified February 19th Stokes Elementary 1o:40--11:40 (Pam Howe, Morgan Brendle, Correna Gilstrap) Rooms 404 Alisa  (Boys)   and 504  Karyn (Girls)   Harney Elementary 1:45--2:45 (Carol Parker, Bethany Newsom, Debbie Boggess) Room 107 Alisa (Boys) and 104  Karyn (Girls)   February 20th Central Elementary 11:15-12:15 (Leuthold, Faulkner, Crose) Rooms 110 Sharon(Boys) Laura 105 (Girls) Perry Worth 2:30-3:30 (Andy […]

Zionsville West 5th Grade

  (Verified) Meg Teaching the girls Laura Teaching the boys   Period Times         Room                 School Teacher           Grade           CPR Instructor 1. 9:15-10:00  Boys (709) Girls (704)   Mrs. Nowakowski  5th 2. 10:05-10:50 Boys (709) Girls (409)  Nowakowski            5th 3. 10:55-11:40  Boys (709) Girls (704)   Norwakowski          5th 4. 12:30-1:15   Boys (709) Girls (704)    Norwakowski          5th 7. 3:00-3:45  Boys (709) Girls (704)     Norwakowski         5th    

Noblesville East Middle School

Noblesville East Middle School 1625 Field Drive, Noblesville, IN, United States

Verified Period Times Room School Teacher Grade CPR Instructor  1  7:35-8:15 LGI Room Mr. Leach/Mr. Sullivan  8  Leah  1 7:35-8:15 1421 Mrs. Kwiatkowski/Mrs. Woodward  8  Alisa 2 8:20-9:00 LGI Mr. Leach/Mr. Sullivan 8 Leah 2 8:20-9:00 1421 Mrs.Kwiatkowski/Mrs. Woodward 8 Alisa 3 9:50-10:30 LGI Mr. Leach/Mr. Sullivan 7 Leah  3 9:50-10:30 1421 Mrs. Kwiatkowski/Mrs. Woodward […]

Zionsville West Middle School-8th grade

Zionsville West Middle School 5565 South 700 East, Whitestown, IN, United States

(Verified) Period Times Room School Teacher Grade CPR Instructor  1  9:15-10:00  Mr. Simmons  8  Meg  2  10:05-10:50  Mr. Simmons  8  Meg  3  10:55-11:40  Mr. Simmons  8  Meg 4 11:45-12:30 Mr. Simmons 8 Meg 6 2:10-2:55 Mr. Simmons 8 Meg 7 3:00-3:45 Mr. Simmons 8 Meg  

Traders Point 7-8th grade

Traders Point Christian Academy 5608 Whitestown Pkwy, Whitestown, IN, United States

Teacher:  Meg   Monday: 7th grade - 1st period (8:10-9), 2nd period (9:03-9:53), and 3rd period (9:56-10:46) 8th grade - 4th period (10:49-11:39) Bible, 5th period (11:42-12:32) PE, and 7th period (2:48-3:38) Bible Tuesday: 7th grade - 1st period, 3rd period, and 4th period (all Bible) 8th grade - 5th period, 6th period, and 7th […]

Tri-West Middle School

Tri West Middle School 555 West US Highway 136, Lizton, IN, United States

(Verified) Karyn-7th Meg-8th Leah-6th 1 period   8:25-9:15 2 period   9:19-10:09 3 period   10:13-11:03 4 period   11:03-12:26 Lunch 5 period   12:30-1:19 6 period   1:23-2:12 7 period   2:16-3:10   Monday Grade 6 English- Mrs. Wiley Room 110 Periods 1, 3, 4, 5, 6     Grade 7 Math- Mr. Hanlin […]

Sheridan High School

Meg Pickett  (Verified) 4th Period  10:51-11:41    Mike McCarthy   Room 123  Meg 7th Period 2:05-2:55        Mike McCarthy   Room 123  Karyn  

Lebanon Middle School-7th Grade

Lebanon Middle School 1800 North Grant Street, Lebanon, IN, United States

Sharon and Leah (Verified) Monday, Thursday and Friday Period Times Room School Teacher Grade CPR Instructor  1 8:00-8:45 706 Jennifer Petersen 7th Leah  1  8:00-8:45 708 Debbie Mardis 7th Sharon  2  8:49-9:34 706 Jennifer 7th Leah  2  8:49-9:34 708 Debbie 7th Sharon 3 9:38-10:23 706 Jennifer 7th Leah 3 9:38-10:23 708 Debbie 7th Sharon 4 […]

Western Boone Middle

Western Boone Jr/Sr High 1205 North State Road 75, Thorntown, IN, United States

(Verified) Monday & Friday Period/Grade 8th   Time     Room     Teacher     Instructor 1st Prep 8:05-8:55 229 Philip Webb 2nd 9:00-9:50 229 Philip Meg 3rd 9:55-10:45 229 Philip Meg 4th 11:2o-12:10 229 Philip Meg 5th 12:15-1:1o 229 Philip Meg 6th 1:10-2:00 229 Philip Meg 7th Freshman 2:05-2:55 229 Philip Tuesday, Wednesday, […]

Noblesville West Middlle School

Noblesville West Middle School 19900 Hague Road, Noblesville, IN, United States

Meg (Verified) 2/1st period 7:35-8:20 8th grade 2/2nd period 8:24-9:09 8th grade Prep 9:10-9:47 2/3rd period 9:48-10:33 7th grade 2/4th period 10:37-11:22 7th grade lunch 11:22-12:22 2/5th period 12:25-1:12 6th grade 2/6th period 1:16-2:00 6th grade

Zionsville High School

Zionsville High School 1000 Mulberry Street, Zionsville, IN, United States

Mrs. Emkow      room 91    Teacher   Meg Period 2  9:27-10:20 Period 6  1:53-2:43 Period 7  2:50-3:40

Lebanon High School

Lebanon High School 510 Essex Drive, Lebanon, IN, United States

(Verified) Mr. Tucker Room (C035) Karyn Teaching and Training Leah Gold 3 and Gold 4  (April 20th, 24th, and 26th)  11:13-2:45 Friday, Tuesday, Thursday Gold 3 (11:13-1:15) Gold 4 (1:20-2:45) Black 3 Black 4 (April 23rd,25th, and 27th) 11:13-12:43 Monday, Wednesday,Friday    

Brownsburg High School

Period Times Room School Teacher Grade CPR Instructor  1 7:50-8:40 Mr. O'Neil High Meg 3 9:41-10:30 Mr. O'Neil Meg 4 10:36-11:25 Mr. O'Neil Meg 6 1:04-1:54 Mr. O'Neil Meg 7 2:00-2:50 Mr. O'Neil Meg

Western Boone Middle

Western Boone Jr/Sr High 1205 North State Road 75, Thorntown, IN, United States

Monday & Friday   Period/Grade 7th     Time       Room       Teacher       Instructor 1st 8:05-8:55 229 Katie Swisher Meg 2nd Prep 9:00-9:50 229 Katie 3rd 9:55-10:45 229 Katie Meg 4th 11:2o-12:10 229 Katie Meg 5th 12:15-1:1o 229 Katie Meg 6th 1:10-2:00 229 Katie Meg 7th 2:05-2:55 229 […]

Zionsville West Middle

Period   Times            Room     School Teacher      Grade     CPR Instructor 1.        9:15-10:00                         Trisha Smart          6th           Sharon 2.       10:05-10:50                       Trisha                       8th           Sharon 3.       10:55-11:15                         Trisha                      6th            Sharon 5.        1:20-2:05                           Trisha                      8th           Sharon 5.        1:20-2:05                     Mrs. Nowakowski        7th           […]

Brownsburg High School

(Verified) Period Times Room School Teacher Grade CPR Instructor  1  7:50-8:40 Mr. Foley High Meg  2 8:46-9:35 Mr. Foley Meg  4 10:36-11:25 Mr. Foley Meg 5 11:31-12:58 Mr. Foley Meg 6 1:04-1:54 Mr. Foley Meg 7 2:00-2:50 Mr. Foley Meg

Westfield High School

Westfield High School 18250 North Union Street, Westfiled, IN, United States

(Verified)   Mr. Sumpter/Teacher Leah (4 days) Period 1: 7:58-9:08