December 2021 Newsletter

As 2021 comes to an end, there are more people and entities vying for your attention than ever. We so appreciate the time and resources you’ve given to us and […]
A Lesson from Quarantine

Outer space: so mysterious yet so exciting for some! My husband happens to be one such person who loves learning about NASA. Recently, we watched a movie about Neil Armstrong. […]
Interrupting the Domino Effect

Have you ever considered the impact relationships have on our lives? When people have the knowledge and skills to have strong, healthy relationships, they are better friends, family members, neighbors, […]
Mrs. West’s Story Pt. 2

In Part 1, we told you about Mrs. West and the young man who thanked her for CPR’s message about pornography. Later in the school year, the same Mrs. West […]
Mrs. West’s Story Pt. 1

Temptation: it’s a scary word! We’re all tempted by different things. It could be a cupcake or cookie, an adult beverage or cigarette, or maybe even inappropriate images. Teens today […]
Why You Should Care about Relationship Education

$18.2 billion: The amount of money Americans spent on Valentine’s Day in 2017. 29 million: The number of Americans tuned in to the Royal Wedding in May, 2018. 7.8 million: […]
3 Reasons Why Sex Can Wait: Part 3

Rose-colored glasses: An optimistic perception of something; a positive opinion; seeing something in a positive way, often thinking of it as better than it actually is. Sex: it’s no big […]
3 Reasons Why Sex Can Wait: Part 2

2017 was a year of record-breaking news! Tennis player Serena Williams became the first tennis player to win 23 Grand Slam titles. Hawaii produced the world’s largest avocado, weighing in […]
3 Reasons Why Sex Can Wait: Part 1

“How you doin’?” Did you use the right voice? Do you know who made this line famous? That’s right! Sitcom character Joey Tribbiani from the 90s hit Friends. Innocent, loveable, […]
Nick’s Confession

“Is it normal to want to hurt yourself after a breakup?” an anonymous question read. You can imagine how taken aback CPR instructor Mrs. Green* was when she read that […]
Crucial Conversations

“It’s not WHAT you’re saying that makes people defensive, but WHY they think you’re saying it.”-Joseph Grenny (Yes, even your teen!) Are there moments in life that matter more than […]
Senate Bill 65

Here’s a huge thanks to Tim Wesco from CPR! We at Creating Positive Relationships wanted to take a moment to explain some changes that will impact parents and guardians of […]