A Christmastime Confession

I have a confession to make. I have always loved the storyline of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I have vivid memories of taking a school field trip to […]
Time to Be Picky

Parents: It’s okay to teach your kids to be picky about who they should marry. In fact, it is necessary! Our program director, Karyn, has been teaching teenagers about relationships […]
Are Two Better Than One?

When I played tennis in high school, I played doubles with my best friend. Had you been at one of our matches, you would have seen us on the court […]
A Lesson from Quarantine

Outer space: so mysterious yet so exciting for some! My husband happens to be one such person who loves learning about NASA. Recently, we watched a movie about Neil Armstrong. […]
Mrs. West’s Story Pt. 2

In Part 1, we told you about Mrs. West and the young man who thanked her for CPR’s message about pornography. Later in the school year, the same Mrs. West […]
Mrs. West’s Story Pt. 1

Temptation: it’s a scary word! We’re all tempted by different things. It could be a cupcake or cookie, an adult beverage or cigarette, or maybe even inappropriate images. Teens today […]
Why You Should Care about Relationship Education

$18.2 billion: The amount of money Americans spent on Valentine’s Day in 2017. 29 million: The number of Americans tuned in to the Royal Wedding in May, 2018. 7.8 million: […]
3 Reasons Why Sex Can Wait: Part 3

Rose-colored glasses: An optimistic perception of something; a positive opinion; seeing something in a positive way, often thinking of it as better than it actually is. Sex: it’s no big […]
3 Reasons Why Sex Can Wait: Part 2

2017 was a year of record-breaking news! Tennis player Serena Williams became the first tennis player to win 23 Grand Slam titles. Hawaii produced the world’s largest avocado, weighing in […]
3 Reasons Why Sex Can Wait: Part 1

“How you doin’?” Did you use the right voice? Do you know who made this line famous? That’s right! Sitcom character Joey Tribbiani from the 90s hit Friends. Innocent, loveable, […]
Nick’s Confession

“Is it normal to want to hurt yourself after a breakup?” an anonymous question read. You can imagine how taken aback CPR instructor Mrs. Green* was when she read that […]
Crucial Conversations

“It’s not WHAT you’re saying that makes people defensive, but WHY they think you’re saying it.”-Joseph Grenny (Yes, even your teen!) Are there moments in life that matter more than […]