CPR uses a whole-person approach in equipping youth to develop healthy relationships. Healthy relationships have long-term, positive impacts on youth and communities. CPR teaches adults how to instruct youth about healthy and unhealthy behaviors rather than ‘good’ or ‘bad’ behaviors, to address the widest audience possible. Sexual behavior affects youth in every area of their life – emotionally, physically, mentally and socially. Addressing only the physical consequences of sexual behavior – STIs, teen pregnancy – does not effectively serve youth. Youth must understand the whole-person impact of sexual behavior.
CPR believes that engaging parents and other caring adults in this process is essential to driving long-term change. CPR also believes that youth impacted by CPR’s programs will pass along their knowledge to other youth and eventually to their own families and children.
- Community Partners
- CPR Staff
- Young People
- Parents/Caring Adults
- Donors
- Volunteers
- Funding
- Training
- Instruction
- Parent education & support
- Webinars
- Web-based support
- Curriculum & resource development
- Evaluation
- Curriculum sales/licensing
- Young people demonstrate increased knowledge and strengthened attitudes about healthy relationships and sexual risk avoidance
- Young people express an intention to make healthy choices, and acknowledge abstinence outside of marriage as the healthiest choice
- Young people feel supported and are held accountable by caring adults and peers
- Young people become advocates for healthy relationship choices
- Parents are equipped for meaningful conversations with their children, and as advocates in their families and community
- Knowledge – Ability – Desire
- Young people, parents and engaged adults are informed about healthy relationships and sexual risk avoidance
- Young people have healthy attitudes and choose healthy behaviors regarding relationships